Wednesday, June 17, 2009

.kreatif code. design. New Look!

It's another month down the line and time to write something else....

I have been SO busy in this new role... and the really exciting thing I have attended, was the Net Prophets Conference.. I am still learning more about the topics there... one thing which still fascinates me is the twitter fountain! While speakers are busy with their presentations, the twitter screen is abuzz with comments which are being followed real time by people not attending the conference!

At the offices, where it is probably the quietest place I have ever worked, heads down, glued to screens.... we had an opportunity to get a heads up last week, when our new office furniture arrived!

Gee... we had a physical afternoon... carrying pieces of furniture up the stairway to the office, but when we arrived on Monday morning (yes, we WORKED on Monday!), the new office furniture and all our equipment was all in place and it looked great!

Not that we have a problem with morale at work, but everyone was delighted with their new workspace!

Monday, May 18, 2009


I have been thru some changes in my Life, but man... have I been on an exciting journey of late!

Having owned a few businesses all of which have had the relevant websites to support the marketing thereof, (to varying degrees of success!), I now work for an amazing web design company, which has introduced me to a WHOLE NEW WORLD !! And boy, is it exciting!

.kreatif code. design. is not just your normal run of the mill... garden variety, type of web design studio... it is far more than that! Their strength is in the fact that they have talented designers AND competent programmers, which from a Sales and Marketing point of view is great! It makes selling the companies business so much easier.

So, what do they actually do.. well.... web design, web development, corporate identities, branding, marketing, packaging, signage, advertising and we specialise in e-commerce and online shops as well!

The people working there have had much experience of business and how businesses operate, since they have all, either had their own businesses, or still have a hand in other businesses as well.. giving them an edge over other similar companies...

I have been introduced into a whole new way of thinking as well... where databases as I understood them.. are actually just mailing lists!! .. and how Google adword REALLY work... and the psychology of the web user, and the technicalities of online shops ... and the list goes on ....

What I would like to share in this blog.. is the knowledge I have (and am still ) acquiring and will share with you, as a relative 'newbie' to the web industry....Oh.. and of course, if you want to find out more about our products and services... I am, after all, still trying to source new business for the company!

So, contact me should you want to find out more about our services!

Len Timbrell
082 921 5509
(021) 555 2371